A good poem captures a person’s heart. The more you read, the more you want to read, and the verses don’t fall from your tongue. A literary and artistic evening under the motto ” A person is dear – his memory is sacred” was organized at the Information Resource Center. The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs M. Botirov, staff of the Information Resource Center, amateur poets and students.
The event was dedicated to the memory of the great poets of Andijan Muhammad Yusuf, Tolan Nizam, Tursunoy Sodikova. The participants were informed about the life and career of poets, their place in Uzbek literature and poems as well. Their poems were recited with interest by the students.
During the event, there was held a presentation of the book by the poet Mirzohid Botirov “Derazangni och”. Information Resource Center staff told about Botirov and his work. Then, the poet spoke about his career, work, his poems and read samples from his poems. The event turned into a real poetry night. The best poems were recited in it.
At the end of the event, the most active students were presented with the book “Derazangni och” by M. Botirov.