The student dormitory of Andijan State Medical Institute turned into a memory square. Stands were organized with photos and activities of professors and teachers who had worked at the institute for a long time.
The event dedicated to May 9, the Day of Remembrance and Honor, began with a theatrical performance, which depicted one day in the life of Shoakhmad Shomakhmudov, who showed an example of high humanity during the Great Patriotic War.
In addition, the pro-rector on work with youth M. Botirov and the rector of the institute M. Madazimov made speeches. They congratulated everyone on the holiday. Therefore , the head of Andijan regional department of spirituality and education M. Gofurov, as well as the head of the 1st department of General Practitioners, professor Z. Salakhiddinov spoke. By the way, the rewarding of a group of professors, teachers and employees of the institute took place.
A hospital with wounded soldiers organized by the department of military field training plunged everyone into the era of war.
The artistic part of the event was continued by Andijan branch of the State Philharmonic Society of Uzbekistan.