The Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine of Andijan State Medical Institute held a scientific-educational conference on “Strong family foundations in the eyes of adults and youth” at the secondary school № 53 in the “Ekin-tikin” mahalla of Andijan district.
The head of the Department of Youth Affairs, Spirituality and Enlightenment A. Abdukhalimov on “Actual problems of youth education”, the head of the Propaedeutics of Internal diseases R. Yuldashev on “The center of family education”, senior lecturer Z. Yunusova on “Reasons and consequences of divorce”, Professor O. Salohiddinov on “Liver ring in the family” delivered lectures . The deputy chairman of the makhalla, the imam of the Usmon Zunnayir, mosque and mahalla activists also spoke about the sanctity of the family, kindness, child rearing, the causes of divorces and preventive measures. The event was also attended by the graduating class of the school, who shared their plans for the future, goals in life with experts and received the necessary recommendations.