Abdullajon ota Usmanov from Shakhrikhan is 98 years old. Every time when he opens his hands in prayer, he wishes for peace and prosperity. Indeed, the value of peace is familiar best to the heroes who fought for their country in fierce battles during World War II.
Welcoming Abdullajonota became a great ceremony. The young men of the Military Training Department, lined up in a line, greeted the old man with applause. Rector of the Institute M. Madazimov, Head of the 1stDepartment of Training GP Professor Z. Salokhiddinov congratulated the old man on the 76th anniversary of the victory over fascism.
As Abdullajonotaspoke to the students, he recalled with tears the struggle on the battlefield, the unity of the armed forcesand the difficult days of the war. He continuously expressed gratitude to Allah for these happy days.
After the event, Abdullajonotaunderwent another medical examination at the ASMI clinic. The doctors gave him the advice he needed.