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20:12 19.05.2022

The Abu Ali Ibn Sino Science Olympiad was held in the dormitory in cooperation with the Regional Department of Public Education and Andijan State Medical Institute. In it, students of 8-9 grades of secondary schools of our region tested their knowledge in chemistry and biological sciences.
The Olympiad was opened by K. Salohiddinov, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, and D. Turdiyev, First Deputy Head of the Regional Department of Public Education, who noted that such joint competitions provide opportunity for students to learn more about science.

It should be noted that in the academic year 2021, more than 2,000 students participated in the Olympiad, and this year their number has exceeded 4,000 at the district level alone. Today’s event was attended by 97 students.
The Olympiad was held fairly under the supervision of representatives of a number of organizations and parents. The test results were fairly evaluated by experts in the field of science.

According to the final results, the 1st place among 8th graders was awarded to Sh.Odiljonov, a student of the comprehensive school 63 of Shahrikhan district, the 2nd place was awarded to J.Muminov, a student of the comprehensive school 45 of Asaka district, and the 3rd place was awarded to M.Rahmonberdieva, a student of the public specialized boarding school 44 of Shahrikhan district.
Among 9th grade students M.Abdurashidova, a student of the comprehensive school 2 of Bulakbashi district, took the 1st place, M.Tursunbaev, a student of the public specialized boarding school 18 of Kurgantepa district, took the 2nd place, and M.Sotvoldiyev, a student of the comprehensive school 47 of Marhamat district, took the 3rd place. The winners were awarded diplomas and cash prizes of the institute.


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