With the cooperation of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the German organization GIZ, the project “Uzbekistonda ilkor tibbiy tekhnolarni boshkarish” began its activities at Andijan State Medical Institute. On the basis of this project, a joint German-Uzbek endourological training center was opened today. The opening ceremony was attended by the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M. Madazimov, the pro-rector on Research and innovation K. Salakhiddinov, the director of the center M. Shadmanov, the director of the GIZ representative office in Uzbekistan York Pudelka and the project manager, manager Cornelia Bekker.
Thanks to modern equipment in the amount of 130 000 euros, provided by GIZ, it became possible to carry out high-tech surgeries to crush bladder stones by wave action without the help of surgical intervention. The center will train specialists in endourology for Fergana Valley. The center is equipped with classrooms, simulation and conference rooms.
Surgeons – urologists from Andijan, Namangan, Fergana have the opportunity to improve their skills, based on advanced technologies in conjunction with leading specialists. Complex urinary tract surgeries will also be performed.
Carrying out diagnostic studies and minimally invasive procedures based on national and international experience will undoubtedly help to increase the scientific potential of the center’s medical staff. Along with this, within the framework of the project, work is being carried out to revise and develop curricula and programs, in particular, the use of medical technologies at the level of world standards in close cooperation with Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.