Hello, dear colleagues, students and young people who are thirsty for knowledge!
Dear veterans!
Today, in our country, May 9 is widely celebrated as the Day of Memory and Honor, the day of the Great Victory won in the Second World War.
I congratulate you and all our people on this great day from the bottom of my heart.
On this day, those who died in the Second World War for the freedom of the Motherland are remembered, and people who worked effectively and selflessly for the peace of the Motherland and the development of the country are remembered.
Since the establishment of Andijan State Medical Institute, highly qualified teachers, professors, educators have been teaching students. Among them, the role of such rectors of our institute as Usman Alimov, Yusuf Otabekov, Rahim Nurmuhammedov, Satkul Jumaboyev, Mamazoir Khojamberdiyev, Alisher Shodmonov, professors and teachers who have been mentors to all of us is incomparable. Along with leadership, they have gained attention both in the field of education and as qualified doctors.
Their exemplary ways of life serve as an example for us. We will always cherish their memories. Their scientific researches and written scientific works will always serve as a program for us. We regularly hold commemorative events with the participation of their family members, students, friends, and colleagues in order to inform the young generation about the exemplary life paths and effective work activities of our teachers. After all, the young generation will continue such good deeds in the future.
In addition, our veteran teachers, who are now approaching their old age, are constantly visited by us and we enjoy their conversations. They pray for the peace of our country, the prosperity of the country, as well as the happiness and perfection of our future.
Dear honored teachers, I congratulate you and all our compatriots on this great holiday. I wish you and your loved ones good health and well-being to your families. May the souls of the departed be happy!
Professor M. M. Madazimov,
Rector of Andijan state medical institute.