Rector of the Andijan State Medical Institute M.Madazimov met with senior students of the medical, dental, pediatric and pharmaceutical faculties. It stated that initially students need to carefully prepare for the final state exam, actively participate in the practice processes and master the secrets of the profession perfectly.
Separately, he touched upon the issue of employment of students after graduation, urging them to be active now.
In addition, the rector of the Institute gave examples of life events that he faced as a doctor, noting that as a medical worker he should always be prepared for various situations. He also mentioned that students need to be constantly up to date with industry news even after they start the workflow. Therefore, today medicine, like all industries, is developing day by day, and a doctor who can use new methods and technologies is always appreciated.
At the end of the meeting, having received the students’ answers to their questions, the rector of the Institute M.Madazimov wished all students good luck and victories in their future activities.