I was born and raised in Seoul, Korea. My parents are businessmen. My childhood dream was to become a doctor. I started my medical career with great success, creating a device that allows the hearing-impaired to receive the desires that arise in their brains. You may ask why did I continue my education in Uzbekistan? I found information on the Internet about the admission of foreign students to Andijan State Medical Institute and the conditions for them. I am proud to be a student at this university now. Indeed, we have a lot of opportunities and attention for young people, especially international students. The living conditions in the dormitories are especially good. I am glad that, along with young people from Uzbekistan, I was awarded a governor’s scholarship. My parents and friends in Korea were happy to hear that. Once I got that recognition, I felt I needed to learn more. I am currently working on a Mentorship project. This is an international program that will be a platform for exchange of experience in the field of medicine for Uzbek and foreign students. In addition to professional communication, it serves as a language learning program.
Soo Young Oh Governor Scholarship Winner