Meaningful organization of young people’s free time, engaging them in activities that are interesting and amusing for them, encourage their abilities greatly.
A dance competition was held among the students of Andijan State Medical Institute. The first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs S. Salohiddinov opened the contest ceremony. G. Kholmatova, the chairman of the women’s advisory council of the institute, Kh. Kochkarov, the leader of the primary organization of the institute’s Youth Union of Uzbekistan, deputy deans of faculties, tutors and students participated in this competition.
Demonstrating earlier prepared dances, participants took part in dance competition in 3 nominations.
At the end of the competition, the participants were evaluated by the jury. The winners were determined.
Decision of jury was as follows:
Faculty of Pharmacy was the winner in national dance;
Faculty of Pediatrics was the winner in modern dance
Faculty of General Medicine and the faculty of Dentistry won the prize in the dances of other nationalities. The winners were awarded with special diplomas of the competition.