About a week ago, on September 18th we asked to provide information through the ministry’s telegram channel on misunderstandings about 10 percent discount given to students when paying tuition fees for the new academic year.
(https: //t.me/eduuz/3312) Over the past period, the @otvmurojaat bot has received more than 3,500 messages of various contents. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the topic.
❓10% discount is given to students studying in which form of education?
All students studying on a contract-paid basis in the form of full-time education at the bachelor’s and master’s programs of public universities may receive a 10% discount on the amount of the current basic fee-contract (non-scholarship form).
❓Is there a discount for students studying in the second specialty?
A discount is also given if the student is studying in the second specialty on a contract-paid basis in the form of full-time education.
❓Is such an opportunity provided for students enrolled in the form of part-time and evening education?
Discounts are provided for students studying in public higher education institutions on a contract-paid basis.
❓ Do the discounts apply to non-governmental and foreign higher education institutions, as well as joint educational programs?
The 10% discount is available only in public higher education institutions. All issues related to the organization of the educational process in non-governmental and foreign higher education institutions, as well as in joint educational programs are carried out in consultation with the founders and foreign partners. Including setting tuition fees and payment forms.
❓ Is the 10% discount valid for the next academic year?
This benefit was introduced for the 2020/2021 academic year in order to provide benefits and support to families whose children are studying on a contract-paid basis, provided by the Ministry in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, taking into account the declining solvency of the population in the context of the pandemic.
❗️There were no reports of problems with the calculation of the 10% discount given to students in compliance with the terms of the payment agreement.
Answers to other questions related to the field, sent by people to the telegram bot, will also be announced.
Dear students and parents!
If you have any questions related to the system of higher, secondary special and vocational education, let us know via telegram @ otvmurojaat_bot, indicating the exact facts. No appeal will be ignored!