APPEAL Of the Rector of Andijan State Medical Institute, Professor M.M.Madazimov on the implementation of the project “Corruption-Free Higher Education Institution” – Andijan State Medical Institute
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APPEAL Of the Rector of Andijan State Medical Institute, Professor M.M.Madazimov on the implementation of the project “Corruption-Free Higher Education Institution”

14:38 07.07.2020

Dear teachers, dear colleagues, dear young people – students!
Human life passes like a flowing river. It is so priceless that it is hard to put into words. Human health is superior to any wealth, power. Thankfully, our country is peaceful, people are valued in our country!
The coronavirus pandemic has clearly demonstrated how delicate the medical field is, a profession that requires dedication. But the most unfortunate thing is that corruption interferes in the field of medicine, in the field of medical education.
Corruption is a terrible evil that oppresses society in many ways. It undermines the foundations of democracy and the rule of law, violates human rights, and creates conditions for organized crime, terrorism, and other threats to human security.
Today, the most harmful scourge for us – for our Uzbekistan, which is showing itself to the world, is the scourge of corruption.
At a video conference on justice and anti-corruption in the country, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan instructed the newly established Anti-Corruption Agency to conduct an in-depth analysis of high-corruption areas and eliminate the causes of corruption. The new body, as noted by the President, will have all the forces, means and powers. The process of analysis goes from domestic corruption to the study of elite corruption.
Thanks to the great efforts of our President, the education system, including higher education, is experiencing a new era of development, as well as other areas, and important reforms are being carried out. According to the President, in 2020 the higher education system should be transformed into a corruption-free sector. Unfortunately, the work being done is not enough. Despite the reforms in the higher education system in recent years, there are still professors and staff who are mired in corruption, greed and other vices.
The Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education InomjonMajidov stressed the need to fight corruption in a number of meetings, including a video conference on June 4, dedicated to the issues of the admission process in higher education institutions.
It is planned to organize the implementation of the project in the field of non-corruption in higher education, the gradual introduction of the project in other areas from April 1, 2020.
The decision to increase the salaries of employees of the higher education system by 3 times over the past year, in response to the provision of additional benefits to researchers, encourages them to serve our people with loyalty, dedication, initiative and honesty.
We will organize the fight against corruption in the same way as in the admission process, in the study of all disciplines from the first to the last year, in the defense of master’s dissertations, and in postgraduate education.
We are working with all partner organizations, the public and law enforcement agencies to turn the institute into a center of science and enlightenment. A member of the institute’s staff who commits any form of corruption – regardless of who he or she is or in what position he or she is – shall be punished by the rule of law.
Dear young people and parents!
Do not become a victim or member of various scams and frauds during the admission process of the institute or at all stages of your and your children’s education!
Dear young people, just believe in your knowledge and rely on it!
Today, the training of personnel who can choose their path independently and respect their profession should become the main task of each of us.
On this path, all of us – professors, students, parents, entrants who are burning with the dream of becoming a student – must work together, be a single force!
I believe that a disgusting evil – corruption is not allowed at allatAndijan State Medical Institute! I believe that you are all united in the pursuit of this noble goal!
Remember that today’s actions are the future of yours!
I wish you all good health and great success!

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