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17:43 26.04.2022

We all love the unique poet, the son of Andijan, Muhammad Yusuf, we study his work. Today, the staff of the Faculty of Dentistry held an event under the motto “WE MISS YOU MUHAMMAD YUSUF!” .

Pro-rector S. Salokhiddinov, deans of faculties, their deputies, tutors and students took part in it.
The speakers spoke about his life and work, the beauty of his poetry, publications.

The senior lecturer of the department of Uzbek language and literature, languages M. Kuziboeva made a report on the topic “The significance of M. Yusuf’s creativity in the education of youth”. “Fidelity to the Motherland, diligence, sincerity, respect for people are glorified in his works,” the mentor emphasized in her speech.

During the event, poems, songs and dances were performed.

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