Boston College of Public Health named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina was visited by representatives of teachers led by T.Karatayev, deputy director for educational affairs of the medical college in the neighboring Kyrgyz Republic, T. Saydullayev, associate professor of the Department of Special Sciences of Andijan State Medical Institute, and teachers of special sciences from the Balikchi Medical College.
With their participation, on April 11 of this year, an international conference on the organization of educational and practical processes in the field of education, and the study of best practices in teaching the material and technical base was organized at the medical college.
Guests were welcomed according to our national values. After that, they got acquainted with the study and practical rooms of the medical school, the library, and participated in classes.
As part of the conference, hokim of Boston district S. Nosirova met and talked with the guests and introduced them to the sewing company that started working at the medical school.
During the visit, the representatives from the medical college in the Kyzyl-Kiya city of the Kyrgyz Republic got acquainted with the material and technical base of the medical college, the equipment of the educational and practical rooms, the organization of educational processes, and the educational and practical bases organized in the medical association. In the end, the guests thanked the team of the medical college for the conference organized at a high level.
In the future, based on a bilateral agreement, it is planned to continue the educational and practical processes of students at Kyzyl-Kiya Medical College in the Kyrgyz Republic.