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19:04 17.02.2022


Professors and teachers of Andijan State Medical Institute are taking an active part in the event “Provision of qualified medical services to the population and comprehensive medical examination of the population”, organized on the initiative of the khokim of Andijan region Sh.K. Abdurahmanov. This time the medical examination was held in the 1st branch of the comprehensive school No. 18 of “Kumarik” MCG of Bulakbashi district. Fourteen qualified specialists of the institute conducted an in-depth medical examination of 421 residents and provided them with the necessary advice. During the examination, 3 people with health problems were referred to the regional medical institutions and 8 of them to the district medical association. Medical care was provided in the homes of 4 patients. In addition, 110 ultrasound investigations, 76 ECGs and 168 laboratory tests were performed at the medical event.
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