- Head of the department DcS, professor:PAKIRDINOV ADHAMJON BEGISHOVICH
- Working time: 8.00 – 17.00
- Mobile: +998905711775
- Email: adhamjon8888@gmail.com
From the establishment of the department until 1970, this department of the institute was headed by Professor T.T. Tadjibaev. From 1970 to 1977 the department was headed by Professor M.E.Yereshev. From 1977 to 2009 the head of the department was Professor Sh.A.Xamidov. From 2009 to the present, the head of the department was Professor A.B. Pakirdinov.
Since the establishment of the department, the following employees have worked here: V.M.Arishev, H.H.Djalilov, V.S.Dolgoshein, V.A.Yefremova, D.S.Mojar, N.O.Smil’china, Yu.M.Mexmanov, S.M.Madraximov, F.I.Stexun, I.K.Karimova, M.X.Salaxuddinova, T.A.Tereshko, N.S.Kasimov, A.A.Asranov, Z.X.Djalilova, A.A.Tadjibaev, R.M.Qilichev, M.Baltabaev.
The staff of the department pays great attention to research work. Since the establishment of the department, 4 DSc and 7Ph.D. dissertations have been defended.
In 1975 M.E.Yereshev defended his doctoral dissertation on “Modern issues of treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (Borowski disease)” In this study, a new method for the use of monomycin in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis was developed.
In 1990 Sh. A. Xamidov defended his doctoral dissertation on “The role of impaired cellular humoral immunity and endocrine mechanisms of its regulation in the treatment of neurodermatitis, postoperative and therapeutic correction.” basically new treatments have been developed.
In 1997 M.K.Baltabaev defended his doctoral dissertation on “Psoriasis (questions of diagnosis, pathogenesis, and treatment). The dissertation reveals new aspects of the pathogenesis of psoriasis, and on this basis, modern, more effective treatments have been developed.
In 2007 A.B.Pakirdinov defended his doctoral dissertation on “Combined application of plasmapheresis and hyperbaric oxygen in the complex therapy of chronic dermatoses (psoriasis and atopic dermatitis)”, in which he described new effective methods of treatment of diseases such as severe psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
The staff of the department also successfully defended several dissertations.
In 1971 Sh.A.Xamidov received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Treatment of infectious forms of syphilis with bicillini-5”.
In 1972, R.M.Kilichev received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Materials on the characteristics of modern clinical manifestations of syphilis and the state of the nervous system and its harmful forms”.
In 1987M.K. Boltabaev received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Clinical and immunological features and therapy of chronic forms of chronic pyoderma”,
In 1991A.B. Pakirdinov received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Plasmapheresis in the complex treatment of severe forms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and angiitis of the skin”.
In 1992A.A. Tadjibaev received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Epidemiology, clinical polymorphism of hereditary diseases of the skin of the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan”.
In 2001 F.Sh.Xamidov received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Clinical and biochemical monitoring of the antitoxic function of the liver of patients with psoriasis during complex treatment with vitamin D3 (Vigantol)”.
In 2021 T.K.Abdujabbarov received the level of Ph.D. on the topic “Hygienic aspects of prevention and treatment of various forms of chronic urticaria”
The results of these research papers (in addition to the defended doctoral and master’s theses) have been published in more than 40 scientific articles in various journals and more than 180 scientific theses in various collections.
The department pays great attention to gifted students. A school of young dermatovenereologists has been established for this purpose, where the staff of the department shares their knowledge and experience with the younger generation. Talented students A.B.Pakirdinov, and F.Sh.Xamidov they are attached to the and conducts research under a pre-arranged program. The main direction for gifted students is to study the epidemiology of fungal diseases, the peculiarities of the modern course, and the comparative study of the effectiveness of new fungicide drugs.
Xamidov Farruxbek Shavvazovich
t.f.n. dotsent, dermatovenerolog
Abdujabborov Toxirjon Kurbanovich
t.f.n., dotsent, dermatovenerolog
Yoqubova Muhabbatxon Abdulhamidovna
dotsent, dermatovenerolog
Batirov Kamoliddin Zuxridinovich
Katta o’qituvchi, dermatovenerolog
Qo’chqarov Avazjon Asqarovich
Katta o’qituvchi, dermatovenerolog
Abduraxmanov Axrorbek Avazbek o’g’li
Katta o’qituvchi, dermatovenerolog-podolog
Toshpo’latov Bekmirza Xolmirzayevich
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Fozilov Feruzjon Abdumo’minovich
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Muhammadjonova Liliya Akiljanovna
Assistent, dermatovenerolog-podolog
Nasritdinova Nargiz Bahadirovna
Assistent, dermatovenerolog-kosmetolog
Mo’minov Murodjon Mansuridinovich
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Po’latov Boburbek Talyat o’g’li
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Xamidova Muslima Zuxriddin qizi
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Zokirov Shoxruxbek Qobuljon o’g’li
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Bekmirzayeva Madinabonu To’lqinboy qizi
Assistent, dermatovenerolog
Location: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Republican Center of dermatovenereology and Cosmetology Andijan regional branch.
1. Dermatovenereology
2. Dermatovenereology and pediatric dermatovenereology