In order to implement the Resolution of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PR-2909 dated April 20, 2017, the head of the department of General Surgery of Andijan State Medical Institute, candidate of medical science, docent Sarvarbek Salahidinov was on a business trip to the Medical Academy of Russian Federation on November 4-5, 2018.
At the clinical hospital named after S.Botkin in Moscow within 1 month he attended the lectures on “Diagnostics and operative endovideosurgery of the chest, small intestine and pelvis”, the use of modern medical technology in surgery, including laparoscopy, thoracoscopy as well as using Da Vinci Si surgical system, the high level provision of modern technologies at the high-tech operations. He participated in the 2746-th Meeting of Surgical Society of Moscow and enriched his knowledge and skills.
Sarvarbek Salahidinov delivered a lecture on “Abdominal injury” and “Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract” to the teams of surgical departments for the purpose of mutual cooperation and exchange of experience and skills. The lectures were highly appreciated by the audience.