April 26 is the birthday of the honored creator of our people, people’s poet of Uzbekistan Muhammad Yusuf. In connection with this date, a spiritual and educational event was organized at the Andijan State Medical Institute on the theme “THE POET HONORED BY THE PEOPLE”.
The event was opened by the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Work S. Salokhiddinov, who spoke about how the poet expressed his life and love for the country in beautiful lines.
After that, the teacher of the Uzbek language of the department of the Uzbek language and literature of the institute M. Otakhonova spoke about the life and work of Muhammad Yusuf.
In the artistic part of the event, our talented students masterfully performed the poet’s poems. Songs based on his poems were presented to the attention of the audience in the interpretation of the students, and the audience joined in the songs.
The audience was greatly impressed by the performances in the images of our great ancestors.