![“ENG YaXShI PLАKАT” TANLOVINING INSTITUT GʼOLIBI АNIQLАNDI](https://adti.uz/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/photo_2021-06-03_20-04-29.jpg)
In order to ensure the implementation of the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 208 dated May 3, 2021, Andijan State Medical Institute held the institute stage of the competition “The best poster” on the topic “Enlightenment against ignorance.”
At the beginning of the competition, M. Botirov, Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs of the Institute, expressed his views on the importance of the competition, the relevance of the topic and wished them good luck.
The first stage of the competition was attended by 36 students of all faculties and directions, 9 of them participated in the institute stage. The participants expressed their views and ideas on the canvas with paints.
According to the results of the competition, the third year student of the Faculty of General Medicine Umarjon Tursunbaev was recognized as the winner, who received a referral to the regional stage.