Skip to content FLUTTER HIGH, THE FLAG OF UZBEKISTAN! – Andijan State Medical Institute
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18:39 18.11.2019

When our compatriots achieve high results in science, art and sports, the flag of Uzbekistan rises high. We may know and don’t know the winner, but when we see the high banner of Uzbekistan, we are overwhelmed with pride and say: “Our compatriots, Uzbeks won!” Each of us feels pride and thinks to ourselves: “Flutter higher, the Flag of Uzbekistan!” The flag of Uzbekistan inspires us to new achievements.

A traditional Thanksgiving Event was held at Andijan State Medical Institute on November 18, the day of the adoption of the State Flag of Uzbekistan.
The event was carried out in the main building of the institute by the staff of the Department of Normal Physiology under the guidance of the head of the department Albina Gumarovna Khudoyarova. To the sounds of the Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Flag of our country was raised high. Speakers spoke about the types of flags and explained the symbolic meaning of the signs on the Flag of Uzbekistan. Students recited poems about the Motherland and the State Flag. The psychologist of the Institute U. Arzikulov gave motivation for excellent study and students hurried to their classrooms.

Thanksgiving Event was performed at the clinic of the institute by the staff of the Department of General Surgery and Military Field Surgery. Deputy Dean for Work with Youth of Therapeutic faculty U. Karimov congratulated everyone on November 17 – the day of students and November 18 – the day of adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Speaking at the event, the head of the Department of General Surgery Sarvarbek Salokhiddinov emphasized that each of us should make a worthy contribution so that the Flag of Uzbekistan always flutters high.

The Thanksgiving event gave everyone a great mood, and also played an important role in boosting their love and devotion to their Motherland.

Information service of ASMI
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