In pursuance of the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan No.-236 of September 8, 2020, according to the curriculum for the 2020-2021 academic year the students of the faculty of Therapy, pediatrics and dentistry as well as of such directions as Professional education (medical work),Preventive medicine, Folk medicine undergo winter industrial practice. This ensured the participation of all freshmen in the implementation of the State Program in the “Year of Support for Youth and Public Health” in full compliance with the quarantine rules. Twenty-four qualified teachers of the institute were selected, appointed as practice supervisors and mobilized to the specified practice facilities.
From February 1 to February 13, 2021, the students were sent to residential medical institutions. The students’ practice was organized depending on the specialization (assistant nurse, dentistry, promotion of a healthy lifestyle). During the practice, each student should learn how to connect the practice with the theory, to work on themselves, to improve their skills and abilities, to write papers on the topic.
Students are strictly monitored for compliance with the safety guidelines. These events also promote personal hygiene, healthy lifestyles, healthy eating habits, physical activity, and avoidance of harmful habits among population.