Today, on May 29, a meeting was held between the delegation led by the rector of Andijan State Medical Institute M. Madazimov and the leadership of the radiology department of the Rostock University Clinic.
At the meeting, the issue of cooperation on the introduction of new innovative areas was discussed, namely:
1. Introduction into the clinic of new modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases;
2. Advanced training of ASMI employees (radiologists), consisting of a two-stage process 1- increasing professional knowledge in the field of MRI diagnostics, MSCT, 2 – introduction and mastery of PET diagnostics;
3. Development of modern treatment methods in the field of oncology;
4. Development and implementation of modern innovative targeted therapy in the treatment of cancer patients based on the achievements of the Clinic of the University of Rostock;
5. An exchange of views took place on the possibility of using modern pharmaceuticals for the effective treatment of cancer patients, and both parties agreed to develop these areas.
German colleagues approved the initiative to provide all types of professional assistance.