HAPPY HOLIDAY, DEAR STUDENTS – YOUTH! – Andijan State Medical Institute
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16:15 30.06.2020

At the new stage of development of Uzbekistan, the youth of our country is emerging as a leading force. Today, the activity of young people in government and society, in all sectors of the economy and in social life is clearly visible.
Young people are senators, deputies, governors, heads or deputies of state organizations, rectors of higher education institutions, as well as entrepreneurs who run large enterprises operating on the basis of modern technologies.
Of course, such a result cannot be achieved on its own. At the heart of this is the high level of confidence and wide opportunities offered to young people by the head of our state.
Today all the doors are open for young people. It has become their highest goal to be worthy of the high trust and to serve our Motherland faithfully.
The younger generation, following their example, is taking advantage of the opportunities created for young people in our country, and today they are striving to acquire in-depth and thorough knowledge in educational institutions in order to become qualified specialists in their chosen field.
It should be noted that 674,527 young people study at higher, professional, vocational and secondary special education institutions, including 32,586 students of academic lyceums, 173,480 students of professional colleges and 468,461 students of higher education institutions. At the same time, 14,319 young professionals work in the system. They make a worthy contribution to the development of our country in the socio-economic, political, legal, spiritual and educational spheres.
Along with such courageous young people, students graduating from professional colleges also have a worthy place. In the current 2020/2021 academic year in the country
More than 170,000 such young people are pursuing a career in their interests and entering the big life.
In the last three years, the level of youth enrollment in higher education institutions has increased dramatically. Starting this year, the introduction of a completely new system of vocational training of young people in professions that are in high demand in the labor market in the country is an important factor in the realization of the dreams and aspirations of young people in our country.
It is especially gratifying that our girls are given additional benefits for higher education. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, from the beginning of the academic year2020/2021, for women with  recommendation of the Ministry of Mahalla and Family Support of the Republic of Uzbekistan, an additional four percent state grant is given on the basis of full-time bachelor’s degree. Undoubtedly, this opportunity will contribute to the further development of science and enlightenment in our country, the further development of the spirituality of our nation. In turn, we are pleased to see all our knowledge-hungry young people among the students of Uzbekistan, to provide them with qualified knowledge in the realization of their noble intentions and to help them develop into mature people for our country.
Dear young people!
You are the bright future of our Motherland!
We hope that your destiny will be in close link with the destiny of our new Uzbekistan, which has set out on a great journey with such a great goal as building  great Uzbekistan!
On behalf of the team of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, I congratulate you, the young people of the promising future of our country, on June 30 – Youth Day!
Let us congratulate our young people who are entrants nowadays as students, our young people graduating from higher education institutions as specialists, and our young researchers as doctors of philosophy or science.
I wish you all health and well-being, good luck and success!
Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education

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