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13:42 23.06.2024

Today, corruption can be encountered in almost every country in the world, and its negative consequences can be seen.
It is very important to prevent this vice from taking root and fight it. Because this crime has a negative impact on the development of the country, its socio-economic situation and international relations.
As the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev stated in his appeal to the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 24, 2020, “The evil of corruption in our society in its various manifestations is an obstacle to the development of our state.” If we do not prevent this evil scourge, it will not be possible to create a real business and investment environment, and generally no sector of society will develop.”
It is important for us, representatives of the education sector, to be especially active in the fight against corruption, to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption among younger generation.
Efforts are being made throughout our country to combat corruption. In particular, for the purpose of fair and transparent conduct of admissions and entrance examinations to educational institutions, applicants’ documents are accepted through electronic system. According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On improving the admission system to higher educational institutions and placing government orders” No. PF-81, a procedure for accepting documents is being carried out in all state and non-state higher educational institutions throughout the country.
Admission to undergraduate programs at state universities is carried out in two stages.
At the 1st stage, applicants register online on the website to take the test from June 5 to June 25 (including June 25) and choose the following:
Only to participate in the test:
– complex of subjects;
– language of instruction;
– test site. If applicant expresses his desire to study in educational fields requiring special talent (creative exam) :
– language of education;
– test site;
– educational field that requires special talent;
– the state higher education institution where the professional (creative) exam is taken.
At the 2nd stage, applicants will choose the following through the site within 15 days after the tests have been completed:
– higher education institution;
– undergraduate area of education;
– form of education;
– selection priority.
The applicant’s test scores will be published on the official website of the Knowledge and Skills Assessment Agency the day after the exam, the result of the selection based on whether or not he is recommended for studentship, within a week after the completion of the 2nd stage of the admission process.
Also, admission processes for the master’s degree will begin in July. Documents are accepted through a special platform.

It can be seen that the processes are carried out electronically without intervention of the human factor. Therefore, I would like to appeal to all applicants and their parents. Don’t believe the scams of fraudsters who say “I will take your child to study”, “I will make you a student”.
Don’t start your child’s future with corruption. Young people are the owners of our future, let’s protect them from corruption, let’s fight against corruption together.

Madazimov M.M.,
Rector of Andijan State Medical Institute.

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