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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city

Dear researchers, masters, students!

12:06 15.04.2021

On April 23, 2021, Andijan State Medical Institute will hold a Republican scientific-practical online video conference of young scientists on “Actual problems of medicine – 2021”, dedicated to the “Year of youth support and public health.” lon makes.
Theses are accepted for participation in the conference in the following areas:
1 Internal diseases;
2 Surgical direction;
3 Protection of motherhood and childhood;
4 Medico-biological sciences;
5 Directions of Dentistry.

Official languages ​​of online video conferencing: Uzbek, Russian and English
Lecture requirements: Name of the higher education institution, topic name, speaker and supervisor F.I.Sh., 10-12 slides and online video The duration of the lecture should not exceed 7-10 minutes. If it is not possible to read the lectures through ZOOM, the lectures will be accepted in the form of video recordings.
The size of the thesis should not exceed 1 page in full, in Word 2003-2010 format, on white paper of A-4 size, line spacing 1.0, upper and lower borders 2 cm, left and right borders respectively It should be 30 and 15 mm.
The material should be placed in the following order:
The title of the thesis should be (Times New Roman – 12 font (bold) and capital letters).
The author’s F.I.Sh. (Times New Roman – 12 font (bold))
The name of the institution should be organization (Times New Roman – 12 font (bold)).
The relevance of the topic, purpose, materials and research methods, research results, conclusions are presented in (bold) font.
Theses will be published in the Electronic Collection of Online Video Conferencing.
Theses of young scientists, masters and gifted students are accepted in the online videoconference (the author should not be older than 35 at the time of submission of the thesis).
The selection of scientific works takes into account their relevance, the clear definition of goals and objectives and the validity of the conclusions, and a number of other aspects.
Theses should be sent to the following address:
170127, Andijan city, Yusuf Otabekov street 1 ADTI.
Bustanov Sherzodbek Yakubovich For more information call: + 998 97 233 50 04.
Lectures and abstracts can be sent by telegram to + 998 97 233 50 04 and e-mail
(Young scientists should be referred to the online video conference and the files will be presented in the following order – Bektashev I.B. №1.doc, Bektashev I.B. №2.doc).

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