Students will receive 50% of the rent payment (up to 50% of the minimum wage in the amount of not more than 135,000 soums) from the budget.
– children from low-income families;
– having children from large families who have lost their breadwinner;
– invalids of the 1st and 2nd groups;
– Orphans and children left without parental care, on full state support;
– children under guardianship and transferred to a family, foster family (patronage);
– Those who are the children of families listed in the “Temir daftari” ;
– those whose mothers are children of families listed in the “Ayollar daftari”;
– having children of disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
– Children of families registered in the Labor Migration Program and temporarily working abroad;
– those whose parents need social protection;
– having children from families with two or more children studying at a higher educational institution on a contract basis;
– For those who set an example and actively work in a state university.
Applicants must provide documents such as a lease agreement, an identity document – a copy of the passport, an application addressed to the rector.
Contact information: Matmusaev Durbek, chief specialist of the Department of Housing Coordination (phone: +998930682747)