Skip to content (O‘zbek) Ijtimoiy gigiena va SSB kafedrasi – Andijan State Medical Institute
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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city

(O‘zbek) Ijtimoiy gigiena va SSB kafedrasi

  • Head of department: Babich Svetlana Mikhailovna
  • Working time: 8.00 – 17.00
  • Contact: +99890 622 39 95
  • Email:

The department was founded in September 1958. Classes are conducted in Uzbek, Russian, English (for foreigners), and groups with English as the language of instruction have been created for 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of the medical and pediatric faculties who know English. The department trains undergraduate students in the following disciplines: public health, organization and management of healthcare, marketing and management in healthcare, evidence-based medicine, management in nursing and history of medicine, medical and social problems. The department teaches masters of all specialties: methodology of scientific research, methodology of teaching special subjects, management and economics in healthcare, quality management of medical care.


Madaxanov Akbar Sabirjanovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

+998 99 135 52 55


Sapioxunova Hilola Mo’minovna

Senior Lecturer of the Department

+998 93 788 12 33


Botirova Mavzhuda Qaxxarovna

Senior Lecturer

+998 90 572 23 73


Sodiqova Umida Muxtorovna

Senior Lecturer

+998 93 252 53 30


Xasanova Shoira Abduzhabborovna

Senior Lecturer

+998 91 484 04 81


Jumanova Lola Abduxalilovna

Assistant of the Department

+998 91 602 15 97


Shoyunusova Nargis Sharipovna

Assistant of the Department

+998 90 253 33 60


Temirova Dilbahor Umaralievna

Assistant of the Department

+998 97 797 00 44


Umurzakova Muattar Rustamovna

Assistant of the Department

+998 90 622 19 84


  1. Atabekov street, 1, building 2, floor 4

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