(O‘zbek) Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda Andijon davlat tibbiyot institutining xodimlaridan umumxalq xayriya hashari uchun oylik maoshidan pul olib qolinganligi xususidagi xabarlarga qayta rasmiy munosabati – Andijan State Medical Institute
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(O‘zbek) Ijtimoiy tarmoqlarda Andijon davlat tibbiyot institutining xodimlaridan umumxalq xayriya hashari uchun oylik maoshidan pul olib qolinganligi xususidagi xabarlarga qayta rasmiy munosabati

14:46 13.10.2021

Proper preparation for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of our country, “Let’s live freely and prosperously in the new Uzbekistan!” Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 12, 2021 in order to organize a month of beautification under the motto of Orders No. 455-F and the Governor of the region No. 47-1-0-F / 21 of August 20, 2021 and the Decree of the Mayor of the city of September 7, 2021 “On the Year of Youth Support and Public Health In order to implement the tasks provided for in the state program, on August 21 of this year to hold a nationwide charity hashar on landscaping and landscaping, in connection with the hashar will provide voluntary funds to all employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions “Mahalla”. The issue of enforcement of the letter on the transfer of charitable public funds to the accounts on their own initiative is wide The decision of the Trade Union Committee of the Institute No. 4/89 “s” dated 15.09.2021 and the order of the Rector of the Institute No. 319-XSh dated 15.09.2021 were considered.

According to him, a total of 150 million sum was raised from the voluntary funds of 743 professors and teachers working at the institute. soums were transferred to the accounts of the Mahalla Public Charitable Foundation.

522 professors and teachers were voluntarily deducted 100-300 thousand soums on their monthly salary.

Due to the scattered departments of the institute, as well as the fact that the 221 professors and teachers are involved in the promotion of healthy lifestyles and medical examinations in Shahrihan district . Applications were submitted late.

According to the information given by the Public Relations Department of Ministry of Justice, the above-mentioned orders of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the khakim of Andijan region , voluntary transfer of funds of employees of organizations and institutions to the accounts of the Public Charitable Foundation “Makhalla” on their own initiative, the transfer of these funds by the Institute to the accounts of the Public Charitable Foundation “Makhalla” it was concluded that the institute had illegally conducted a charitable hashar on its own initiative among the citizens. All the money that has been withheld from the professors on their applications and transferred to the accounts of the Mahalla Public Charitable Foundation has been returned to its owners in cash. Earlier, the institute’s information service denied the allegations as “fake.” It is worth noting that at the time of the denial, the voluntary applications of employees were considered to be “unfounded” because they were not yet fully formed. The Institute’s Information Service apologizes for any inconvenience.

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