Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to Andijan State Medical Institute
(0-374) 223-94-60
Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city

General information


Andijan State Medical Institute was founded in 1955 in Andijan. Since it was the only medical institution in the Fergana Valley at that time, which was very important for that period, a lot of work was done to speed up the restoration and establishment of the institute. The Andijan State Medical Institute, which is a higher educational institution for our country’s doctors, has a special role to play in the establishment of our dedicated compatriots, such as Yusuf Otabekovich Otabekov, Rahim Muhammedovich Nurmuhammedov, Satkul Usmanovich Djumabayev. Today, the achievements of the institute, which has undergone many years of development and progress, are recognized around the world.

Today, the institute prepares bachelors in medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, as well as masters in vocational education, higher nursing, pharmacy, medical prophylaxis and 29 specialties. In addition, the faculty of advanced training and retraining of doctors offers advanced training courses for doctors of the valley regions.



The institute has 56 departments with a total staff of 533 professors and teachers, including 36 doctors of sciences (14 of them have the title of professor), 130 candidates of sciences (104 of them have the title of associate professor). The scientific potential of the institute is 31.7%.

The institute has 4 faculties of treatment, pediatrics, dentistry and retraining of doctors, 7 bachelor’s degrees in medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, vocational education, higher nursing, medical prevention and pharmacy. The educational process is organized in 29 master’s specialties. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ 2909 of April 20, 2017, 2 new specialties for master’s degree were established in the 2019-2020 academic year:

5A 510102 Endocrinology,

5A 510126 Pharmacology.

International and joint programs

In the new academic year, it is planned to admit 100 foreigners (India, Pakistan, South Korea) in the field of medical work.

Twenty students have been admitted to the dentistry department in cooperation with the Dagestan State Medical University of the Russian Federation.

The first phase of the Master’s degree in Medical Engineering in collaboration with the Daegu University of South Korea, Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering has been completed, and in the 2019-2020 academic year, 8 students will continue their 2nd year at Daegu University.

A joint training and practical center has been established and operates at the NN Burdenko National Medical Neurosurgery Center of the Russian Federation and the ADTI Clinic.

In the 2019/2020 academic year, 3903 people in 7 bachelor’s degrees, 291 people in 29 master’s specialties, 20 people in the joint program, 100 people in foreign directions – 4414 people the student is expected to receive a scholarship. Currently, 39 foreigners are studying at the institute. They are citizens of the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, Afghanistan, South Korea and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

For the 2019/2020 academic year on the basis of the standard curriculum in 7 areas of education available at the institute (treatment, pediatrics, dentistry, vocational education, higher nursing, medical prevention, pharmacy) The study schedule and working curricula were developed and reviewed and approved by the central methodological board of the institute.

Professors and teachers of 45 departments of the Institute have developed 521 working curricula and teaching materials using advanced foreign experience on the basis of standard science programs for all areas of education and courses. The council of faculties is considered and approved by the central methodical board of the institute. The electronic version of the training materials is recorded on an SD disk and placed in the IRC.

Classrooms, lecture halls and laboratory classrooms (biology, medical chemistry, biological chemistry, biophysics, microbiology, normal physiology) at the institute are equipped with modern educational equipment (computer, projector, smart TV, electronic board, laboratory equipment) , electronic forms on a virtual laboratory) and is widely used in the educational process.

For the 2019-2020 academic year, telemedicine has been established in the departments of General Surgery, Surgical Diseases, Faculty of Surgery, Urology, Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Neurosurgery, located in the clinic ADTI. Students will be able to observe the surgical procedures in the operating room in the classroom and communicate directly with the surgeon.

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