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Yu.Otabekov 1. Andijan city


22:30 13.05.2024

Today, on May 13, a creative meeting has been held with the participation of a group of artists in Andijan State Medical Institute within the framework of the “Share the Knowledge” project aimed at educating students in the spirit of patriotism by attracting students to book reading and raising the level of artistic literacy.

Akhmedjon Meliboyev, owner of the Order of “Friendship”, “Fame” medal, “Friendship of Peoples” badge, owner of the honorary title “Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, member of Chingiz Aitmatov International Scientific Academy, literary critic , translation scholar, publicist, candidate of philological sciences, honored cultural worker of Uzbekistan, member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan and the National Writers’ Union of Kyrgyzstan, honorary academician of Chingiz Aitmatov International Academy of Sciences Zuhridin Isomiddinov and member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan, creator Davron Rajab participated in the event.

First, a demonstration of national costumes and an exhibition of the achievements and activities of the faculties were shown at the event of welcoming the guests. The guests were welcomed with “Andijan Polka” dance.

As part of the “Nationality Demonstration”, Uzbek national games have been played. Talented students of the Institute presented stage performances.

Also, during the event a practical training on providing first aid with the help of special dummies was demonstrated. An exhibition with the inventions and achievements of young scientists was presented. “Book Exhibition” was organized in order to raise the culture of reading among the Institute’s students as well as to increase the interest of the young generation in reading.
A ceremony of planting saplings has been held with the participation of poets, writers, writers and students of the Institute within the framework of the “Share the Knowledge” project.
After that a creative meeting of “Creators and Students” has been held.

In the second half of the day meetings with writers continued in secondary schools within the framework of the “Share the Knowledge» project. An open dialogue has been held between artists and talented students of the schools in Children’s Music and Art School No. 9 in Khojaabad District, in Specialized State General Education School No. 22 in Marhamat District and in Specialized School in Izboskan District.

Shundan so‘ng, “Ijodkorlar va talabalar” ijodiy uchrashuvi bo‘lib o‘tdi.

The event ended with an open discussion around the bonfire with the participation of artists. Poems and artistic performances were performed by talented students and young people at the bonfire event organized in the beautiful evening.

The songs performed by the Maqom ensemble cheered everyone up and invited the participants of the event to the dance circle. At the end of the event active participants were awarded with certificates of appreciation.


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