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18:20 22.05.2024

Today, May 22, an educational and practical seminar was organized at Andijan State Medical Institute on the implementation of the tasks set at the meeting, chaired by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev on February 5, 2024 on the topic “Priority tasks to be implemented in the field of education.”

This seminar was held jointly with the institute, the Department of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Andijan region and the regional department of the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.

At the beginning of the seminar, an exhibition of the achievements of talented students from 12 general education and specialized schools attached to the institute from a number of cities and regions was shown. The students recited poems.
The educational and practical seminar was opened by the rector of the institute M. Madazimov with an opening speech and during his speech he noted that having identified the main tasks of cooperation, in the future, in order to improve the performance of school graduates entering universities and create the basis for identifying important tasks, he will do his best to help in improving knowledge and skills, realization of scientific potential not only for young people, but also for teachers of basic subjects.

After this, the head of the department of higher education, science and innovation of the Andijan region, M. Madazimov, presented on the topic “Priority tasks set in the minutes of the 11th meeting of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation”, Abdullajonov B., vice-rector for academic affairs of the institute, spoke on the topic “Cooperation of Universities and Schools”, the director of the 56th school of the Shakhrikhan district spoke on the topic “Problems and solutions in educating the youth of the new Uzbekistan as comprehensively developed and perfect people” and Urinova M., director of the Markhamat regional specialized school gave a lecture on the topic “Direction of graduates of specialized schools to universities.”

The seminar participants also took part in the literary event held at the institute as part of the project “Sharing Enlightenment” .

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