As long as a person is alive, he leaves a unique mark in this life with his humanity and service to his people. There are people who, although they are no longer with us, we always remember them.
On May 5 this year, a commemorative event was held under the slogan “Your name lives forever in hearts!” dedicated to the memory of Associate Professor, c.m.s. Yuldashev Tokhtasin Akhmadjonovich, who worked for many years at the Department of Infectious Diseases of Andijan State Medical Institute.
The event was opened by the First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Work S. Salokhiddinov, who spoke about the work of the great mentor and teacher.
After that, teachers and family members of T. Yuldashev spoke about the exemplary life of a teacher and mentor, effective work and his human qualities.
The presentation of the video dedicated to the blessed memory of T. Yuldashev, prepared by the staff of the infectious diseases department of the institute, brought tears to the eyes.
In the artistic part of the event, students performed poems and songs glorifying the Motherland and teachers.