Conversations with experienced psychologists of the Department of Uzbek language and literature with ASMI students was held in the 1st and 2nd lecture halls of the 2nd educational building of Andijan State Medical Institute. A. Abduhalimov, the head of the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Education, faculties’ deans’ assistants responsible for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs, psychologists M. Jalolova, A. Kadirov, qualified teachers of the department and tutors participated in the meeting.
Psychologists played psychological games with students to test their ability to concentrate and strengthen their memory. They gave an example of types of temperament and character.
At the meeting psychologists gave detailed information about the innovations and changes introduced in the draft Constitutional law “On the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan”, and about the special attention paid to the rights and freedoms of young people, their possibility for education. They got detailed information and expressed that they are not indifferent to the political processes taking place in our country.