Our people met with great interest the Address of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Parliament, in which, along with other sectors, priority tasks for all areas of education were identified. A decisive step for the development of our country was the designation of specific tasks to eliminate existing problems.
First of all, it should be noted that the Address affected all areas of the socio-economic development of our society. In particular, the esteemed President noted a number of tasks regarding science, education and medicine, the fulfillment of which requires specialists in these areas to have a deeper understanding of the educational policy of a renewing society.
The President proposed calling the upcoming year 2023 the Year of Caring for People and Quality Education. If you take a closer look, then at the center of the reforms carried out in our country is a person and ensuring his needs is a priority. Everyone knows that this policy is not limited to just one year.
“We are trying to create all the conditions for a calm and happy life, health protection, good education, creating the necessary conditions for supporting a family, and this will always continue,” the President emphasized.
Undoubtedly, the tasks set will serve as a practical program for improving the system of medicine in order to preserve the health of the population.
Professors and teachers of our institute are in constant scientific search. Conversations with scientists – pharmacists, studying foreign experience, cooperation with foreign experts give a positive result. The institute has established systematic work with gifted students. Summing up the results of the outgoing year, it should be noted that 47 teachers from foreign universities were involved in the educational process. 2 international projects worth 158 thousand euros and 4 national projects worth 2.7 billion soums were funded.
32 textbooks, 112 monographs and 199 teaching aids written by professors, teachers, researchers and students were published. 5 Doctors of Science (DSc) and 48 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) have been trained. 76 patents, 7 certificates for inventions and 4 certificates for utility models were received. At the same time, 84 articles were published in journals with a high rating (Scopus) and 766 articles in republican journals.
Among our students there are holders of the State Prize named after Zulfiya, as well as winners of the republican competition “Uchinchi renaissance – yoshlar nigohida”. 14 of our students became winners of international Olympiads, 56 students became winners of Olympiads among republican universities.
To ensure the continuity of our work, it is planned to implement 3 international projects in the amount of 2800 euros in the coming year 2023.
As our President said, yesterday’s success should not stop us. Today’s requirement is search, creating novelty. Only in this case the life of our people will change for the better.
The system needs qualified personnel. Various infectious diseases spreading in neighboring countries, as well as the risks associated with them, require us to be vigilant. As stated in the President’s Address, we must raise the protection and strengthening the health of the population to a new level.
The following words of the President: “We will further expand the possibilities of providing quality medical care to our people. For starters, free medical care will be guaranteed by law. In order for the allocated amounts to reach the patient, we will speed up the system of state medical insurance. Next year, this system will begin to operate in the city of Tashkent. This will be gradually rolled out to other regions as well.” impose great tasks on the team of higher education institutions that train qualified personnel in the field of medicine.
Our team of 1,300 people watched the President’s Address on TV. The scope of our activities in the integration of education and medicine doubles the degree of our responsibility. When drawing up the action plan for next year, we agreed to work with full dedication.
I would like to conclude my remarks with the following thoughts of our honorable President, which are mentioned in the Address: “No matter how difficult it may be, we will never turn back from our chosen path. We will definitely reach our goals. In this way, we always rely on our great, good-natured, hard-working people. I believe that if we make joint efforts, we will surely build the New Uzbekistan that our country is striving for together.”
Rector of Andijan State Medical Institute,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.