It’s all for us! – Andijan State Medical Institute
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It’s all for us!

09:45 05.01.2021

Our hearts were filled with excitement when we were waiting for the announcement of the name of the new year and plans for it, indicated in the Appeal of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Especially young people were waiting for the name of this year, since the opportunities for development and improvement provided to them depend on this.
2021 is the Year of Youth Support and Health Promotion.
It seems to me that this name requires even more responsibility from us … Because, as a student of a medical institute, I, like all doctors in our country, bear responsibility for every citizen, every member of our family and in general for all the people around me. Our destiny is closely linked with the destiny of our Uzbekistan.
In this regard, I promise, as a future doctor, to make every effort to justify the trust of my parents, mentors, the rector of our institute Professor M.M. Madazimov and of course our esteemed President Sh.M. Mirziyoev.

Mehribonu Adhamjonova,

a student of ASMI

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