At the Department of Medical Biology of Andijan State Medical Institute, a meeting was organized with a chemist-analyst of the laboratory of the department for quality control of the Zamin Bio Health LLC plant for the production of insulin Marufjan Jalilov with the 1st and 2nd year students of the pharmacy and industrial pharmacy direction on the topic its relevance in the regional conditions of Uzbekistan ”.
According to the instructions of President Sh. Mirziyoyev “On the transformation of Andijan region into a logistics zone for the development of the pharmaceutical industry”, an insulin plant began to operate in the Andijan region. Today this plant, along with 10 bottles of insulin, produces disposable syringes and supplements our domestic market with domestic products. This is of great importance for patients with diabetes mellitus, since the drugs are cheap. In a roundtable discussion, they talked about the future of pharmaceuticals in Uzbekistan over the next 5 years and the provision of the population with domestic, high-quality drugs.
During the conversation M. Jalilov displayed the plant where he works.