A friendly football match was held at the mini-football arena in the dormitoryof Andijan State Medical Institute. The “Kizil Kuyosh” football team made up of the non-organized youth of Kosharikmahalla,“Pakistan” of Pakistani students and the team of students from dormitoryplayed a friendly match.
In the first match, the “Kizil Kuyosh” team ofQosharikmahalla played with the international students, and the international student team won 4: 2.
In match 2, the dorm team played against a team of international students and the game ended with a score of 0: 1 in favor of the dorm team. In the 3rd match, the student dormitory team played with the team of Kosharik MCG and the dorm team beat the “Kizil Kuyosh” team with a score of 4: 3. The match was refereed by AkmaljonTuychiev, the coach of the football club, and the game was judged fairly. Dear youth, youth of the mahalla on the territory of our institute, we are waiting for you every evening at the sports grounds of the dormitory.