Meeting with Andijan employers – Andijan State Medical Institute
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Meeting with Andijan employers

20:51 23.02.2021

Andijan State Medical Institute is one of the leading universities in Fergana Valley. The students from Andijan , Namangan and Fergana study at the institute. There are 396 graduates in Andijan region. 234 of them are bachelors, 73 are clinical residents, 89 are graduates of master degree program.

Today, at the conference hall of ASMI, a meeting of graduates of our institute with the leadership of the health department of Andijan region took place. The meeting was attended by pro-rectors responsible for the master`s department, doctoral studies, clinical residency, employees of the marketing department, deans of faculties, deputy deans.

The event was opened by the head of the department, the formation of a portfolio of customers and distribution to work and monitoring A. Ziyaev and introduced the participants to the guests. In addition, the head of the personnel department of the health department K. Saidumarov made a speech. He briefed about the ongoing reforms in the field of medicine, changes, conditions created for graduates, benefits and vacancies. The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere.

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