Today, November 30, in connection of the World AIDS Day, as well as the World Day of the Disabled, the Andijan State Medical Institute launched the action “I am a donor”, which will last 3 days. On the first day, activists of the primary organization of the Union of Youth of Uzbekistan and students-volunteers took part in the action, which took place in the blood transfusion center.
Giving kind words and smiles along with “drops of hope” for those in need – is this not happiness for the donor? In this regard, we invite everyone to take part in this action.
We remind you that according to Decree No. 423 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the requirements for those wishing to become donors are:
Age from 18 to 60 years;
Weight above 60 kg;
Previously not sick with hepatitis and brucellosis.