October 24, 2021 is an important day for the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan – the election of the candidate of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this regard, propaganda work and roundtables are being held. A roundtable discussion on “Democratic elections in the new Uzbekistan” was held at “Namuna” MCC attached to Andijan State Medical Institute in the 4th sector of Andijan. It was attended by employees of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities.
During the roundtable discussion, the population was informed about the procedure for participation in the elections, the culture of elections, the order of the electoral process, early voting, the basic principles of suffrage, the list of candidates for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They also interviewed young people voting for the first time and explained the procedure for participating in the election.