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(O‘zbek) Normal fiziologiya kafedrasi

  • Working time: 8.00 – 17.00
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The Department of Normal Physiology was founded in 1956. Its initial staff consisted of: the head of the department, 28-year-old candidate of biological sciences G.F. Korotko, associate professor R.P. Pulatov and two assistants: transferred from the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases of the Tashkent Medical Institute Sh.K. Botirov, and also transferred from the Department of Normal Physiology of Tashkent Medical Institute Yu.A. Shcherbakov. In addition, there were 3 vacancies for the position of laboratory assistant. Some equipment and instruments were brought from TashMI, and the rest were custom-made in the precision mechanical workshop of TashMI. From 1956 to the present day, a lot of equipment and instruments have been purchased for the educational and scientific activities of the department. At this time, the department is equipped with modern computers, a printer, a video camera, a cadoscope, a slidescope, an epidioscope, and a film projector, which are widely used in the educational process. The department has all the necessary equipment for scientific work.
The educational process in the department began on November 26, 1956 after students returned from cotton harvesting. The director of the institute, U.A., made a great contribution to the resolution to the full progress of lectures and laboratory classes. Olimov and his deputy for academic work Y.Kh.Turakulov. Due to the fact that in 1957 R.P. Pulatov was appointed head of the Department of Pathological Physiology, and Sh.K. Botirov was transferred as an assistant to the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, the teaching staff of the department was updated. Z.Kh. Khalilov was transferred from TashMI to the position of assistant. Associate Professor A.Kh. was invited to give hourly lectures from the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute. Yusupov and M.E. was transferred from the Department of Biology to the position of assistant. Islyamova.
From the second year since the formation of the department, scientific work was put into operation. The work of TashMI on the topic “The effect of high temperature on the digestive system” was continued. To introduce the scientific work of the department, professors from Moscow and Leningrad provided their assistance – G.K. Shlygin, A.M. Ugolev and L.S. Fomin. In 1958, she graduated from Leningrad University I.V. Tolstopyatova came to the position of senior laboratory assistant and the same year, Tashkent State University student S.E. Zununova arrived to complete her diploma work at the department. In 1959, E.Ya. arrived from Voroshilovgrad to the position of associate professor of the department. Dumin, but he could not work at the department for long, and after two and a half years he returned.
In 1960, a postgraduate course was opened at the department, the first postgraduate student was Zh. Dadamirzaev, and the second postgraduate student S.E. Zununova. In 1988, A.N. Kadirov entered graduate school and within two years successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Thanks to this postgraduate study, many researchers (B.N. Nuritdinov, K.B. Inamova, B.N. Zhuraboev, A.A. Ablyazov, A.N. Aripov, K.Yu. Latipova, Yu.A. Kalinin, E A. Vepritskaya, Sh.
In 1960, work on the topic of climatophysiology was completed and the study of enzymes of the digestive glands began.

In 1959 G.F. Korotko defended his doctoral dissertation, and in 1962 Yu.A. Shcherbakov defended his candidate’s dissertation. Since 1960, the development of scientific work of the department has greatly increased. Ph.D. dissertations were formulated and defended on the following scientific research, mainly aimed at studying the enzymes of the digestive glands and their control: in 1966 one (S.E. Zunnunova), in 1968 three (Zh. Dadamirzaev, V.G. Sukhoterin, N. .F.Kamakinlar), in 1969 two (A.M.Musaev, A.S.Pulatov), in 1970 two (V.A.Ustinov, B.N.Nuritdinov), in 1971 four (K.B. .Inamova, M.E.Islyamova, B.N.Zhurabaev, A.A.Sukhoterina), in 1972 two (L.M. Saidboeva, N.H. Batkaeva), in 1973 two (A.A. Ablyazov , A.N. Aripov), in 1974 four (U.M. Mirzakarimov, Kh.H. Abdurakhmonov, A.S. Sarkisova, S.R. Rasulova, T.V. Povetko), in 1975 three (K Y. Latipova, M. I. Tozhiboeva, S. F. Kuzmina), in 1976 five (L. F. Glushko, M. I. Abdurakhmanov, G. S. Lemeshkina, V. P. Apraksin, M. M .Kodirov), in 1977 five (Yu.A.Kalinin, A.K.Chalakov, Kh.Ziyadullaev, E.A.Vepritskaya, Sh.K.Kodirov), in 1978 three (A.N.Kurzanov, Z .S.Salokhiddinov, K.I.Abdusalamova), in 1980 one (V.M.Nerovny), in 1982 one (V.A.Aleynik), in 1986 one (A.S.Belov), in 1988 one year (G.D. Baibekova), in 1989 two (A.G. Khudoyarova, A.N. Kodirov), in 1990 one (E.R. Rashidov), in 1991 one (N.S. Muidinov ), in 1993 two (M.T.Butaboev, A.Kh.Abdurakhmonov), in 1994 one (A.A.Nishanova), in 1998 two (A.K.Karimov, Sh.Kh.Khamrokulov).
Doctoral dissertations were also defended at the department: in 1959 by G.F. Korotko, in 1978 two (G.I. Loginov, A.S. Pulatov), in 1983 one (V.G. Sukhoterin), in 1984 one year (D.G. Rozin), one in 1985 (N.F. Kamakin), one in 1991 (L.M. Saidbaeva), one in 1992 (A.A. Ablyazov), one in 1993 (Sh.K.Kodirov). Of these, V.G. Sukhoterin and Sh.K. Kodirov carried out their scientific work with the help of doctoral studies.
All-Union scientific conferences were held at the department several times (in 1971, 1974, 1978, 1988).
The department also has excellent educational and methodological work. G.F. Korotko is the author of textbooks on normal physiology published in Moscow in 1985, 1987, 1988, as well as a workshop for practical classes on normal physiology, published in 1988. Sh.K. Kodirov and Zh.D. Dadamirzaev translated this workshop for practical training in normal physiology into Uzbek and published it in 1996.
Professor of the department G.F. Briefly, under his authorship, he wrote 10 monographs: “Functions of the digestive organs in hot climates” 1960, “Incretion and release of pepsinogen” 1965, “Isolation of enzymes by the glands of the stomach” 1971, “Uropepsinogen” 1974, “Guide to physiology (physiology of the stomach)” 1974, “Gastric digestion, its functional organization and role in the digestive conveyor” 1980, “Enzymes of the digestive glands in the blood (essays on enzyme homeostasis)” 1983, “Active lifestyle and health of students “1988, “Secretion of glands. Essays (traditional and non-traditional aspects of the secretory process)” 1986, “Introduction to the physiology of the gastrointestinal tract” 1987. Authored by Sh.K. Kodirov and A.N. Kodirov published one monograph: “Basic age constants and indicators of human physiology (Handbook for doctors of all specialties)”, 1997. The joint work and authorship of the head of the Department of Normal Physiology of the Tashkent State Medical Institute, Associate Professor O.T. Alaviy, Head of the Department of Normal Physiology of the Andijan State Medical Institute Sh.K. Kodirov, as well as associate professors of this department A.N. Kodirova, Sh.Kh. Khamrokulov and Head of the Department of Physiology of Andijan State University E.Kh. Khalilov in 2006 – 2007 a textbook on “Normal Physiology” was published for higher medical educational institutions in the Uzbek language in Latin and Cyrillic. In 2022, also in the joint work and authorship of the head of the Department of Normal Physiology of the Tashkent State Dental Medical Institute, Associate Professor A.A.Nishanova, Associate Professor O.T.Alyavia and Professor Sh.K. Kadyrov wrote a new textbook on “Normal Physiology” for higher medical educational institutions in Latin. Today, students are taught using these textbooks.



Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
of the Department of Normal Physiology




Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
of the Department of Normal Physiology



Xudoyarova Albina Gumarovna

Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent of the
Department of Normal Physiology




Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent of the
Department of Normal Physiology




Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent of the
Department of Normal Physiology




Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent of the
Department of Normal Physiology




Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent of the
Department of Normal Physiology




Assistant of the Department of Normal Physiology




Assistant of the Department of Normal Physiology



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