On September 21, 2021 at 01:45 am, an emergency road traffic accident occurred on the territory of Bagishamol in Andijan. The accident happened by 3 students of ASMI. The “Tracker” car, having lost control, hit the concrete fence. As a result, a third-year student of the Pediatric faculty, Korean by nationality, Y.A., born in 1999, a student in the field of pharmacy, Uzbek by nationality, born in 2001 A.A. year of birth I.A. The patient died after performing decompressive trepanation of the left parietal part of the skull and removal of a subdural hematoma by specialists. All 3 students who died in the last academic year were transferred from Kazan Federal University and lived with their parents.
The management of the institute expresses condolences to the families of 3 students who died untimely.
Dear Students! Observe traffic rules, do not let your loved ones, parents, teachers worry about you!