If a young person succeeds, we proudly say thanks to his parents first. After all, it is the child who succeded not parents.But education given by parents plays a big role in any victory. That’s why the Uzbek people start upbringing children from infancy. A parent who is able to bring up his child by approaching his child’s heart and dreams will not go astray.
In this regard, a seminar-training on “A healthy family environment is a guarantee of children’s health” was held in the conference hall of Andijan State Medical Institute. It was attended by the head of the Department of Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment A. Abduhalimov, Chairman of the Council for Women’s Affairs G. Kholmatova and other officials. The seminar was conducted by Doctor of Medical SciencesMukhtabar Haydarova, a pediatric psychologist of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Center of Pediatrics.
During the conversation, a number of important issues were discussed, such as child rearing, individual approach to each child, sharing the child’s dreams and desires, changes in adolescence period, the impact of marital relationships on child rearing. Practical procedures were performed by the expert.
The event was full of questions and answers. The pediatric psychologist presented books to the faculties and departments.