Our people celebrate Navruz, the day of renewal and rejuvenation as the equalization of day and night, awakening of nature and a national holiday. Navruz is considered a many centuries-old national holiday of the Uzbek people and it is celebrated all over our country.
This year Navruz was celebrated under the open sky in the New Andijan region of our province. The wide celebration was held under the slogan “Let the world be filled with your light, Navruz!”
At the beginning of the event M. Madazimov, the rector of our Institute, made a speech and warmly congratulated all the participants with Navruz. Our talented students performed stage shows, national songs, poems, scenes and dances reflecting our national traditional treasure.
Sumalak, one of the favorite national dishes of our people, was prepared and presented to all the participants during the two-days festival. this meal was prepared by the group of people from our Institute overnight, with good intentions.
Our national dishes gave a special look to the festive table decorated with various delicious meals.