Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On further improving the system of postgraduate education” and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On measures to further improve the system of postgraduate education” In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set out in the resolution, a roundtable was organized at
Andijan State Medical Institute with the participation of the working group of Andijan regional department of Ministry of Innovation Development. Currently, the institute has 25 doctoral students (PhD) in 11 specialties (14. 00.01-obstetrics and gynecology, 14.00.02-Morphology, 14.00.04-Otorhinolaryngology, 14.00.08-Ophthalmology, 14.00.09-Pediatrics, 14.00.10-Infectious diseases, 14.00.13-Neurology, 14.00.18-Psychiatry and Narcology, 14.00.21-Dentistry, 14.00.27-Surgery, 14.00.38-Sports Medicine)
The working group approved the individual plan of the basic doctoral students (PhD) on the topic of the dissertation, its implementation, the list and copies of scientific papers, the theoretical course on the specialty and the reports submitted on the topic of the dissertation. and published articles and theses were reviewed. During the meeting, the participants were informed about the results of the monitoring.