The educational process at the institute is organized on the basis of the “Law on Education”, “National Personnel Training Program”, “State Educational Standard” and “Qualification Requirements”. The institute has 9 educational areas: general medicine, pediatrics, professional education (medical treatment), pharmacy, industrial pharmacy, dentistry, preventive medicine, higher nursing and traditional medicine.
In the academic year 2022-2023, the educational process of all undergraduate programs is organized on the basis of the following State Educational Standards, model programs and curricula;
1st course – confirmed in 2022
2nd course – confirmed in 2021
3rd course – confirmed in 2020
4th course – confirmed in 2018
5th course – confirmed in 2018
6th course – confirmed in 2017
A total of 10,121 students study at the institute.
Of them:
9090 undergraduate students;
441 students in the graduate program;
DSMU (joint education program) – 42 students;
International students – 548 citizens of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan study at the institute.
The professors of the departments of the institute have developed educational and methodological complexes for 1-6-year students in all subjects. The electronic form of educational and methodological complexes is available in the Information and Resource Center.
At the moment, 516 electronic modular packages have been created, which contain the necessary materials for use by students. The teaching staff created 496 electronic modular packages on subjects and added electronic resources to them.
Monitoring of the supply of textbooks and manuals is organized.
The book fund of the Information Resource Center is 233,134 copies.
- Number of scientific publications – 17 981 titles 54 556 copies
- Number of textbooks – 375 titles 82 402 copies
- Number of manuals – 593 titles 42 811 copies
- Number of fiction – 3 892 titles 25 457 copies
- The amount of other types of information – 2 350 titles 14 045 copies
- In different languages:
- In Uzbek – 5 232 titles 62 605 copies
- In Russian – 24 011 titles 152 723 copies
- In Latin graphics – 334 titles 17 339 copies
- In English – 142 titles 402 copies
In order to further enrich the IRC fund, 23 titles of textbooks for the first-year students were brought from the Russian Federation.
The Information Resource Center (IRC) of the Institute provides quality services to readers, has a separate building that meets the requirements. In the main building there is a department of scientific and methodical information and periodicals, a department of collection, cataloging and systematization of information library resources, a department of services with information library resources, a department of electronic information resources, foreign information library resources.
There are 12 computers and all of them are enriched with 8653 titles of literature through the electronic system “ARMAT”. There are a total of 1,045 titles of electronic publications.
The Thomson Reuters Web of and Academic Search Premier are connected to the Information Resource Center for use by staff, undergraduates, graduate students, clinical residents.
The institute has 22 surveillance cameras to monitor the quality and safety of classes.
The institute has a total of 712 modern computers, all of which are connected to the local, corporate and Internet networks. In order to effectively use ICT in the educational process, the speed of Internet access is 2 Mb / s, TAS-IX, i.e. the speed of access to Internet resources of the Republic is 10 Mb / s. For the convenience of students, 15 wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet networks have been installed on the territory of the institute and are still in use today. The number of WI-FI access points is 15. Each point can be connected by a maximum of 255 total 3825 users.
In order to further improve the quality of the teaching process at the institute, a “Training and Simulation Laboratory” was established. The center has rooms for surgery, urology, anesthesiology and resuscitation, pediatrics, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, obstetrics and gynecology, and is equipped with the necessary simulators, phantoms.
Laboratory classes are conducted at the institute in the following disciplines:
- Medical chemistry
- Biological chemistry
- Microbiology
- Biophysics and computer science, human anatomy
- Normal and pathological physiology
The laboratory classrooms of the departments are equipped with modern laboratory equipment.
There are the following areas of curricula:
- PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (medical treatment)