In order to ensure the implementation of the Order of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Central Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan dated March 29, 2023 “On measures to improve the activities of primary organizations of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan in higher education institutions”, on May 11 of this year, interview processes were organized at Andijan State Medical Institute in cooperation with the Andijan Regional Council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan.
It was attended by the first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs S. Salohiddinov, the leader of the primary organization of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan H. Kochkarov, representatives of the Andijan regional council of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan and 75 students candidates for coordinators.
After the interview process, coordinators were appointed for the following positions:
Intellectual projects coordinator – Shohjakhon Abdurahmonov;
Coordinator of five initiative projects – Fayzullo Hojimatov;
Coordinator of military patriotic projects – Shakhbozbek Akbarov;
Coordinator of entrepreneurial and innovative projects – Muhammadyusuf Yusupov;
Coordinator of “Youth notebook” and patronage program – Boburjon Shokirov;
Coordinator of female students – Nodirakhon Foziljonova.
Coordinator of the Faculty of General Medicine – Diyorbek Obidov;
Coordinator of the Faculty of Pediatrics – Husanboy Sulaymonov;
Coordinator of the Faculty of Stomatology – Omadbek Umarov.