On October 5,2020 in the conference hall of ASMI the entrance exams were held in the direction of dentistry at the joint educational faculty.
The exams were held in compliance with the quarantine rules. It was attended by pro-rector on Academic Affairs A. Arzikulov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation K. Salokhiddinov, Dean of the Faculty for Work with Foreign Students G. Daminova.
In addition, the envelopes with the exam tickets were opened in the presence of the applicants and exams were started.
In order to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the exams, representatives of both parties, including the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the DSMU T. Akbarov and the responsible for international cooperation S. Khadzhalieva observed the exam online.
Applicants who have passed tests and oral exams in chemistry, biology and foreign languages will be provided with additional information on the entrance exams.
Press Service of ASMI