In accordance with the Regulations of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 20, 1995 No. 177 “On a special fund for financial incentives for employees of budgetary institutions and organizations” and a collective agreement between the administration and the trade union committee of Andijan State Medical Institute the professors and teachers are being certified.
Rector of the Institute, Professor M.M. Madazimov personally participates in the certification process. By the order of the rector of the institute there was approved the composition of the attestation board consisting of vice-rector for academic affairs B.R.Abdullajanov, other vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, chief legal adviser.
During the attestation process, professors and teachers are evaluated on their participation in teaching, research, spiritual and educational work, treatment and patronage work at the departments.
The attestation board is analyzing the work done by each professor or teacher during the academic year. The protocols are submitted to the Department of Monitoring and Internal Control after being discussed in the prescribed manner.
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