In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks set out in the modemograms of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 1, 2020 No 87-02-664, professors and teachers of Andijan State Medical Institute visited the secondary school No.33 in Izbaskan district.
The purpose of the visit of the working group consisting of associate professor of the department of medical biology T.Saydullaev, associate professor of the department of social sciences and humanities B.Botirova, senior teacher of the department of Uzbek language and literature Z.Rakhmatova, teacher of the department of medical chemistry S.Islamova was to strengthen cooperation between higher education and schools and organization of “Preparatory courses”.
During the visit, there was an open dialogue with the graduates about the entrance exams to higher education institutions, understanding of the importance of the subjects included in the school curriculum, detailed answers to the questions of interest were given to students.
During the meeting of professors and teachers of Andijan State Medical Institute with school communities, it was emphasized that this cooperation should continue on a regular basis.
Information service of ASMI